Partnership with MCF
DirectMountain is a partner of the MCF (Moniteur Cycliste Français, or French Cycling Instructor).
Created more than 20 years ago, the MCF is the oldest and most important union of cycling instructors in France. Today it has more than 1000 members, easily recognisable by their famous MCF jersey, and 75 certified schools! All MCF guide instructors are professionals with a state diploma and have completed 1400 hours of training.
Very involved in professional training (creation of an organisation as well as the mountain bike patroller diploma), the MCF has long been recognised by the Ministry of Sport. The objectives of the MCF are: to support, promote and develop the profession and the bicycle. Its offer is based on 3 axes:
Apprenticeship and transmission of know-how:
From learning to perfecting, all MCF instructors are ready to help you discover the pleasure of riding, to explore territories or to teach you how to ride, whatever you do. Mountain biking, of course, but also electric bikes, road bikes, BMX, trials, VTC, Fatbike, Gravel, scooters and others are taught and proposed by our instructors.
Learning methodologies:
To accompany and support its instructors in their supervision, the MCF has created and developed learning methods adapted to all ages and levels. You will find two types of progress books: the Loupiot / Biclou for the draisienne and the beginnings of cycling and the Biker to help teenagers progress on mountain bikes.
MCF instructors are among those offering training courses to pass the "Savoir Rouler à Vélo" (SRV, "How to ride a bike"), a program launched by the French government in 2019 to teach all children how to ride a bike before they start secondary school.
Labels to meet all your expectations:
Over the years, the MCF has created several labels synonymous with the quality of the services offered. They allow you to identify the instructors and facilities that best suit your needs: learning, improvement, bike trips, rentals, tests and more:
- The MCF School label: this represents a national network of facilities that meet precise specifications. These schools represent the most dynamic structures of a territory. They are made up of at least two instructors and use teaching materials developed by the MCF.
- The Bike Travel label: this refers to organisations offering all-inclusive cycling holidays supervised by competent MCF instructors.
- The Bike Coaching label: this refers to the best facilities and instructors who offer the sports coaching you need to progress, or for your physical preparation, training, etc. Bike Coaching certified instructors have all the skills required to provide real progress monitoring adapted to your needs and your level.
- The Bike Center label: this refers to the MCF multi-service schools. They become true multi-purpose bike centres. In each of the centres you will find at least 4 services (bike hire, mechanical workshop, bike sales, sale of accessories or textiles) and up to 6 additional services (accommodation, transport, catering, bike lockers, washing station and level tests).
You will find on DirectMountain many offers from MCF instructors, in mountain bike or fatbike, in order to train, to progress or simply to have fun on two wheels!