Discover mountain plants (Savoie)

Duration : 1 day

France, Northern Alps

Level : easy

from 65 € / p. from 4 to 10 persons

Infos & Booking


In Savoie, in the heart of the Maurienne valley and in a preserved mountain area, rich and varied in flora, you will discover medicinal and edible plants.

After a botanical initiation in the field, you will be able to do some picking for culinary tastings, herbal teas with multiple virtues, and we will give you advice in herbal medicine and simple cosmetic.

This day aims to familiarize you with these mountain plants. All this with ethics and respect for the mountain environment and the safeguarding of rare and protected species.

This course is offered by the training center CIMMES, declared to the Rhône-Alpes Auvergne region under number 82 73 01239 73. It is a trademark of the "Bureau Montagne des Arves".

I also propose other thematic courses in relation with the mountain to :


  • Short history of man's use of medicinal and culinary plants.
  • Introduction to botany and different biotopes.
  • Reminder of picking rules.
  • Toxic plants / protected plants.
  • The different parts of the plants that are used.
  • Walk, recognition and field picking.
  • Picnic and preparation of the harvested plants.


  • Sabine PASQUIER: mountain leader, graduate of the Lyonnaise School of Medicinal Plants.
  • Jean-Marc HERMES: mountain leader.

The price includes

  • Supervision by the mountain leaders.
  • Teaching fees.

The price does not include

  • Transport to and from the workshop place.
  • Picnic lunch.
  • Drinks.
  • Anything not mentioned in "The price includes".
Next departures :

No scheduled departure, but you can contact me to book your dates.

Infos & Booking