Boffi via ferrata in Millau (Aveyron)

Duration : ½ day

France, Massif Central, Occitania

Level : from fairly difficult to difficult

from 40 € / p. from 2 to 10 persons

Infos & Booking


Located in the Aveyron department, the Boffi via ferrata offers superb panoramic views on the Dourbie gorges, on the Larzac plateau and on the famous Millau viaduct. Reorganized in the last few years, the itinerary consists of a playful and very vertiginous crossing, all along which you will surely be flown over by vultures.

Between climbing and hiking, you progress on vertiginous passages while being secured on a cable and using various elements of progression: bars, steps, cables, footbridges, cable and Nepalese bridges, zip-line... Equipped with a harness, a helmet, a pulley and via ferrata lanyards, you will safely cross the obstacles to discover unique viewpoints.

The Boffi via ferrata offers two routes of different difficulty and length. The easy route follows a nice ledge in the middle of the cliff and is accessible to most people. The difficult route, on the other hand, has many slightly overhanging passages and an impressive metal net to climb facing the void (not mandatory). The two routes meet at the end of the course for two long zip lines of 75 and 90 meters long, both of which are optional.

Please come equipped: sneakers, small backpack, water, possibly gloves. And depending on the weather: rain jacket, sun cream, etc.

Beware: access is forbidden between March 15th and June 15th because of the nesting of birds of prey.

If you are interested in other vertical adventures in the region, I also offer:

You can also join me for an introductory or advanced climbing session in the nearby Dourbie gorges.


  • The departure is on the Causse Noir, one hour drive from Rodez, 15 minutes from Millau and 1 hour 45 minutes from Montpellier.
  • Approximately 20 minutes of approach walking to reach the start of the via ferrata.
  • Duration of the course: about 2 hours.
  • 5 minutes of return walking to the parking lot.
  • In total, the activity lasts about 3 hours and 30 minutes.

The price includes

  • Supervision by the climbing instructor.
  • Specific gear for via ferrata (harness, pulley, helmet and via ferrata lanyard with energy absorber) which is recent, regularly checked and compliant with the requirements of French and European standards.
  • Rates:
    • Standard rate: 45€/person.
    • Discount rate (for groups of 4 people and more): 40€/person.

The price does not include

  • Transport to and from the Causse Noir (contact me for special request).
  • Snacks.
  • Drinks.
  • Civil liability and personal accident insurance for climbing and associated disciplines (if you are not already covered for these activities by your insurance, you can take out additional insurance with the FFME, FFCAM, etc.).
  • Anything not mentioned in "The price includes".
Next departures :

No scheduled departure, but you can contact me to book your dates.

Infos & Booking